Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hints of Fall

The last two days we have had hints of the Fall in Manhappenin. The air has been cooler, once or twice even crisp. Breezes bring fresh wind, no longer heavy and burdened with heat and humidity. My air conditioning has been turned off, and the beautiful fresh air of the outside world has come creeping in.

Fall is always a time of resfreshment for my soul. Many people look to Spring for this, but not me. I love the Fall. Leaves change, revealing their true spirit, be it feisty red, loving yellow, or loving fire-orange. The air gets crisp, and breathing becomes a joyful, cleansing feeling.

It is in the Fall that I can stand outside at night, gazing at the stars. The first frost kills the bugs, so I am free to watch without mosquitos, spiders, and all other forms of creepy crawlies finding their way up my legs.....I hate chiggers.

I will no doubt expound on my love of Fall more in the near future, but September has been kind enough to bring with it a bit of the season, getting me ready for it.

Thanks September, you are neat.


karlie nicole cooper. said...

you are a good friend.

Sara said...

Stop it. Stooooop iiiiiiiit.
You are making me miss the Little Apple so much I can hardly stand it!

Fall in Manhattan--a little piece of heaven.

But KC in the fall is great too...right? ((sigh)) Right...

Hope all is well friend!

rachel rianne said...


let's watch more movies.
and if we watch 'em at my apt,
grania is welcome also.
how good a friend am i?

karlie nicole cooper. said...

DONE and DONE. i can't believe i missed you on those links. it only took me 20 minutes to figure that whole thing out, you would think i would've taken just a little more time to give you a shout out as well. :)